The Top Business Schools That Don’t Require GMAT or GRE Scores from Applicants

The Top Business Schools That Don’t Require GMAT or GRE Scores from Applicants
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A standardized test such as the GMAT or GRE has traditionally played a significant role in the application process for business school, especially for MBA programs. While there are numerous schools out there that require you to achieve a certain score to be accepted into their programs, this requirement has become less common.

This trend started prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic but has been expedited in the past couple of years. It’s become particularly common for online, part-time, and executive MBA programs to not require test scores to be submitted in applications. However, a significant number of top full-time programs have also dropped this entry requirement.

There are a number of benefits that come with applicants not being required to take the GMAT or GRE. You don’t have to spend months studying and preparing for the exam, and you don’t have to pay for the test fees, which are often a couple hundred dollars.

Some business schools don’t require any test scores to be submitted at all when applying. There are others that require GMAT or GRE scores for MBAs but not for other master’s degrees, while others have their own test altogether that can be waived with a good GMAT or GRE score. 

Here we’ll cover some of the best business schools with differing entry requirements when it comes to the GMAT, GRE, or other admissions test.

Business Schools That Don’t Require GMAT or GRE Scores

As there’s a growing number of top business school programs that don’t require applicants to submit GMAT or GRE scores in their applications, here are three of the best business schools that don’t require this for any of their programs.

GISMA Business School

With campuses in Potsdam, Hannover, Hamburg, Berlin, and London, GISMA Business School doesn’t require GMAT and GRE scores for any of its postgraduate programs, including the Global MBA and MSc degrees in Leadership for Digital Transformation and International Business Management.

Paris School of Business

Paris School of Business doesn’t include GMAT or GRE scores as part of its admissions. process. The school offers a number of graduate programs, including a MSc in International Finance, Business Administration, Marketing Strategy and Data Analytics, International Marketing & Business Development, and International Management.

Oxford Brookes Business School

Oxford Brookes Business School also doesn’t require applicants to submit GMAT or GRE scores. The admissions team instead looks at work experience, GPAs, English language test, and a related bachelor’s degree. Its online Global MBA is ranked highly across the world, and the school offers a range of MSc degrees, including Accounting and Finance, International Business Management, and Marketing.

Business Schools That Only Require GMAT/GRE Scores for MBAs

There are other business schools that only require GMAT or GRE scores for those applying for MBAs. Here’s one of the top business schools with this entry requirement.

Warwick School of Business

At Warwick School of Business, most of their master’s programs, such as the MSc in Accounting & Finance, International Business, Finance & Economics, and Management, don’t require applicants to take the GMAT or GRE. This is mandatory only for those applying for the MBA. However, a good score on one of the tests can strengthen applications for the other programs.

Business Schools with Their Own Test That Can Be Waived with a GMAT/GRE Score

There’s another subgroup of business schools that have their own admissions test applicants are required to take, but these can usually be waived with a high enough GMAT or GRE score. Here are two of the top business schools with these entry requirements.

EADA Business School

Located in Barcelona, EADA Business School offers its own online academic and English assessment as part of the application process. A high enough GMAT or GRE score can be used as a waiver but is not required. The business school offers a variety of master’s programs, including Finance, Marketing, and an International MBA.

Luiss Business School 

With its campus in Rome, Luiss Business School has a number of master’s degree programs. While the MBA requires a GMAT or GRE score, most of the MSc programs require its own inductive, numerical, and deductive logic test. However, applicants with valid scores on the GMAT or GRE can be exempt from this.

Researching, Preparing, & Applying for Business School

The application process for business schools can be overwhelming, particularly when it comes to keeping up with the varying entry requirements like the GMAT/GRE and other admissions tests.

If you’re interested in applying for business school, get free expert guidance and support on-demand from the admissions counselors at Unify. Sign up to get started discovering different business school programs across the world and comparing entry requirements side by side.

At Unify, we also work with top-tier exam preparation agencies to help you achieve the best possible scores on admissions exams. Get in touch to receive a free preparation plan based on your current level and goals, and sometimes we can also help you get exam requirements waived!