Living & Studying in Europe Tips for South Asian Students

Living & Studying in Europe Tips for South Asian Students
Photo by Christian Lue / Unsplash

Have you dreamed of pursuing higher education at the finest European universities? Did you know that the majority of the top-rated European universities offer a plethora of educational as well as job opportunities to international students along with funding options?

Even the European Union has recently extended the scholarship program for Southeast Asian students offering them around 300 scholarships to achieve their career aspirations.

Moreover, talking about Europe brings a sense of sophistication and cultural diversity which is pretty rare in any other place. Whether it is the opportunity to wander around the lush greeneries or the charming people around, Europe will always remain one of the best education destinations for international students.

Although it might sound a bit fancy, shifting to an unknown country without any knowledge or proper survival tactics is always a greater risk. A guide to successful living and studying in Europe can be the ideal partner for career aspirants who look forward to shifting to these beautiful countries for their higher education.

What Causes the Increase in the Number of International Students in Europe?

Did you know that the number of international students aspiring to complete their further education in Europe is estimated to hit 8 million by 2025? Why?

To understand this, one needs to consider the importance of crucial aspects such as any European country's socio-political, economic, and health infrastructure, its travel policies in the current scenario, and its diplomatic ties with other nations from an aspiring student's point of view.

The diplomatic relationships between South Asian and European countries are growing steadily, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of international students finding their preferred universities for their careers.

With the rich cultural diversity, brilliant education system, exceptionally affordable tuition fees, and scholarships, the entire continent seems to open multiple career gateways for South Asian students. Did you know that the recent statistical data report shows that around 1.6 lakh Indian students enrolled in European countries in 2021?

Statistical Overview of International Students in European Countries

Apart from countries like France, the UK, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia, multiple countries have seen a massive increase in the number of international students in the last few years. The data shows around 5,000 students in Ireland, 7,500 in Georgia, 3,007 in Cyprus, 1,850 in Switzerland, 1,500 in Spain, 1,051 in Finland, 2,000 in Sweden, and more. One of the key reasons behind this surge in the number of international aspirants is the availability of schemes like Erasmus Plus.

No wonder the competition to grab a seat at the best European university seems to get more complicated with each passing day. How can you survive here as an international student? What are the living tips to consider before you start packing your bags for your upcoming semester? If you are too keen to know about these, here are some fantastic living and studying tips for South Asian students:

1. Choosing the Right Destination

The most crucial phase you will ever face is deciding the right place to pursue your higher education. It requires a lot of research, time, and commitment from every student, as this choice will be the determining factor in establishing a successful career.

The rich cultural heritage, vast career opportunities, and mesmerizing beauty across the continent have drawn a lot of enthusiastic souls from all over the globe to its shores. But the selection of the right European country and university seems pretty daunting for international students, thanks to the long list of options available here. So, here are a few options to consider to make this challenging selection task slightly easier for career aspirants:

  • Field of Specialization

The first step in considering the right university and the European country is to determine the field you wish to specialize in. The most preferred ones include MBA, Computer Engineering, Finance & Accounting, Data Sciences, etc. Look for the countries that offer exclusive funding programs in these courses and their global ranking to determine the right fit.

  • Tuition Fees

Determining the right university and country will also depend on the overall education cost, including student living expenses and tuition fees. It will be a critical consideration while choosing the right European country, as it can be pretty heavy on your budget. Look for the funding opportunities available in your line of work and whether these opportunities are available for international students. Countries like Germany can be the right choice as they offer affordable education to international students, sometimes making the entire education tuition free.

  • Dominant Subjects

Medicine, business studies, economics, and law are still the most famous courses in most European countries. Did you know that the Netherlands and Germany are known for their incredible educational ways of training engineers, while France and the UK focus on pharmacology, business, and nursing specializations? Learning about the top courses offered in each European country can help students make a wise selection for their future goals.

  • Percentage of International Aspirants

When it comes to shortlisting the right European country for your future studies, one of the influential factors to consider would be the number of foreign students and the career opportunities available in that country.

Before you make any decision, research the history of the country, its job opportunities, and its rules and laws for international students. As per the statistics, 32% of international students prefer Austria, while Netherlands and UK respectively count around 18.3 and 18.1% of the total international aspirants. Counting the number of international students in European countries can give you a clearer picture of quality education, job opportunities, and the ideal environment to thrive in your career.

  • Career Opportunities

Lastly, career opportunities should be your final determining factor in choosing the best destination for your future degree. Understand which university and country will be offering you the right course along with the best faculty and funding prospects to fulfill your educational aspirations. Along with that, do not forget to check out the availability of internship programs from the top brands which you aspire to become a part of in the near future.

2. Visa and Immigration

Taking the above pointers into consideration, are you ready with your list of preferred European countries and courses? If so, it is time to check out the visa application to these destinations. One of the first things to know about the study visa as an international student is that you cannot apply till you get accepted to a school in the European Union. You need to gain acceptance from the school or university, even in Spain or Ireland.

  • Schengen Visa Europe

Schengen visa refers to a temporary student visa for those international aspirants who are planning to visit any Schengen country for higher education but for a short period of a maximum of three months. One can renew this visa after it expires, provided that he gets selected for the chosen visa program, allowing the student to apply for a residence permit. One can get this study visa without the IELTS score or any other language tests, provided their selected university doesn't ask for the same.

Typically, the visa fee for non-EU students is 60€ above the age of 12 years, and no Schengen visa fee for the ones below the age of six years. Just ensure to get the proper documentation ready for filing the visa application to avoid any hassles later.

  • Type of Visa

What is the length of your course? What is your nationality? These are some of the data that are going to decide the type of student visa you need for your future studies in Europe. If students are enrolling for one or two-year courses, they must apply for a long-stay study visa. It is available for international students aspiring to pursue courses for more than six months. In this case, the visa comes along with a residency permit.

  • Language Courses Student Visa

In case you are interested in enrolling in the courses which are conducted in the native languages of the host European country, you have to get a certain level of proficiency in that same language. Also, this proficiency test will be mandatory for your visa application. So, in some cases, language proficiency tests can also be the determining factor for a successful visa application for international students.

  • Documents for Europe Visa

Getting a lengthy checklist of the dos and don'ts is essential before Living & Studying in Europe Tips for South Asian Students. Also, making a checklist for your visa application can be a time as well as a lifesaver. To apply for the visa, some of the documents required are:

  1. The entry visa application form
  2. Acceptance letter from the university
  3. Proof of accommodation in Europe
  4. Passport-size photographs (recent)
  5. Valid travel documents
  6. Proof of residency
  7. Evidence of financial support for studying in Europe
  8. Paid health insurance
  9. Copies of all the previous educational certificates
  10. Receipt of visa application fees

Other things include a valid passport with few blank pages, a proper flight itinerary, etc. One must not have any criminal records of any sort if he wishes to pursue higher studies in Europe. Also, keep in mind that the entire visa process can be tiresome. That is why it is important to get it started early. You do not want to miss your opportunity to attend school on the first day. So, get your visa done as early as possible, right after getting the acceptance letter from your selected university.

  • Post Study Work Visa

While discussing the student visa, international aspirants also need to be well aware of the post study work visa available. Most European countries want to keep these valuable students and give a fair extension on their residence permit once the entire study period is over. This extension is a blessing for international students here as it offers substantial time to get hired while applying for further courses.

Once the student secures a job in that country, he can apply for a work permit. However, the entire Europe is made up of more than around 40 countries. No wonder you will find a lot of changes in the rules/terms of these student visas as well as the post study work visa.

3. Financial Planning

Financial planning is an integral part of your entire journey in Europe. Whether you aim to live and make a career here or simply want to finish your education, you need to be well aware of the living costs beforehand. It can get very expensive if you fail to plan your financial decisions properly. A list of the countries, along with their living costs, is given below for your reference:

€11,400 (~US$13,350) per year is the average cost of studying in Austria, while it is €10,200-11,400 (~US$11,940-13,350) per year in Belgium, €14,400 (~US$16,850) per year in Denmark, €9,600 (~US$11,200) per year in Finland, €9,900 (~US$11,550) per year in France, €10,200 a year (~US$11,900) in Germany, €12,000 (~US$14,000) per year in Ireland, €12,000 (~US$14,000) per year in Italy, NOK 139,680 per year (~US$17,100) in Norway, RUB 242,160 (US$3,850) per year in Russia, €10,800-13,200 (~US$12,630-15,430) per year in Spain, SEK 96,000 (~US$10,900) per year in Sweden, CHF 22,734 (~US$22,875) per year in Switzerland, €9,600-13,200 (~US$11,200-15,400) per year in The Netherlands, £12,180 (~US$16,000) per year in the UK.

The above data is tentative and can fluctuate depending on your status, selected university, location, course fees, living preferences, medical insurance, etc. It is just an overview that gives you a subtle idea about the average expenses for international students willing to pursue their higher education in these European countries. Since it might sound like an extremely expensive business, here are some beneficial tips for managing your finances while pursuing your courses at any European university:

  • Prepare a strict budget and keep it in front of you whenever you feel like making an unnecessary purchase. Get more organized about your food, travel choices, accommodations, parties, etc. Try not to utilize your entire budget by the end of the month to save some extra bucks.
  • Use cheap phone services available in these countries to cut down your expenses. Use the free calling applications available for smartphones to connect with your friends and family.
  • Try getting as many student discounts as possible. From transportation to entertainment, do not compromise living your social life while saving your money every time. Also, contact your university to know about the student facilities and discount offers available for international students.
  • Learn how to cook and clean to avoid eating out. Getting a takeout on your way home might be easy, but cooking your food can help you stay fit while sticking to your budget.
  • Shop during Black Fridays or garage sales to get extra discounts without compromising your necessities.
  • Find affordable living options and locations around your university to avoid unnecessary expenses. Also, opt for public transportation for daily purposes to save more.
  • Look for the funding options and scholarships solely available for the international students in your university. Try applying to skill-based scholarships, which can help you to get multiple funding options for covering your daily expenses, tuition fees, and even accommodation charges.

4. Cultural Adjustment

You have chosen to pursue higher education in a foreign country which is a fantastic choice. However, along with meeting the educational requirements, you need to prepare yourself to adapt to the cultural differences and other socio-economic variations you might encounter when you start living in that country.

It is imperative to develop a global outlook while learning about other cultures to adapt to this new country. However, it is going to take a lot of time and a few initiatives from your side to help you ease into this new culture. Right from food choices to living options, South Asian students might encounter a lot of differences while living in Europe as their culture completely differs from the South Asian countries. However, here are a few tips to help you transition into this new life without any hassles:

  • Since you already know the country and a lot of information is available on the internet, why not research your destination to get a hold of the country‘s history? Understand their travel guide and try mingling with seniors and local people from that country online to get introduced to their cultural etiquette and values before you start living there.
  • Try engaging yourself in cultural exchange programs where you can meet many students from different countries who can help you to blend in with the crowd without any cultural hassles seamlessly.
  • Be very open-minded and do not fear to ask any questions related to the values and customs of the country. Always be respectful of others and try to mix with them as much as possible while sharing your cultural values.
  • If you feel homesick, try finding something in that country which can help you to remind you about your home. You can find similar students from your country or engage in different activities related to your home town. Sometimes, eating a good meal or watching a good movie that reminds you of your family or home can be a perfect distraction.
  • In case you feel overwhelmed by cultural differences and other situations, try speaking to the support staff in your university to give you a sense of confidence and proper help while you navigate through your new conditions.

5. Accommodation

While filing for your visa application, you also need to be cautious about your living options in your host country. Living in any European country can seem like an expensive affair. However, suppose you want to experience student life and mingle with your peers. In that case, nothing can be better than finding shared dorms or campus accommodations, which can be cheap while offering you all the possibilities to experience a vibrant social life. A little help to find budget-friendly accommodation in Europe for international students is here:

  • University accommodation can be the ideal option which ranges from dorms to suite-like private rooms with attached bathrooms. The university will be sending the students all the required information along with their best offers. However, this accommodation may be primarily available for first-year undergraduates as well as postgraduates, but it might not be for senior graduates.
  • Private houses can also be an option if you are willing to share them with other professionals or friends. In this case, the accommodations are way better than shared dorms but can be a cheaper option if you find decent people to share them with.
  • Purpose-Built Student Accommodations, or PBSAs, are known for offering large residential complexes along with facilities like sports areas, on-site gymnasiums, and study areas. You get the luxury of choosing from the different types of rooms available for the students.
  • Always try selecting an affordable location within your budget to avoid any unnecessary spending on your housing. Also, there are local as well as private transportation available easily in these countries, making it easy for the students to find cheaper accommodations in nearby locations. For example, in the UK, Hull, Dundee, and Sunderland seem to offer reasonably priced living options for international students. In the case of Hull, the accommodations start from £60 per week, while it is £50 weekly around the University of Dundee.
  • Before getting the lease agreement, understand your location's license requirements and the facilities. Be clear about your requirements and whether you are willing to pay for facilities you might not require.
  • Before moving into any place, you must verify the supplies and items in your accommodation. Also, look for furnished, affordable living options that you might be able to share with your friends to avoid additional expenses.
  • Homestays can also be a good option as they offer you decent food and staying options within a strict budget. Also, refer to the local housing websites and seek help from your host university officials to get proper accommodations for your tenure in Europe.

6. Health Insurance and Healthcare

Healthcare facilities are available for international students studying in Europe and universities. One of the key goals of the EU is that every resident will have access to high-quality healthcare facilities. Every EU country has its national health care system, which helps international students to get proper treatment when they fall in unexpectedly.

In most cases, health insurance will cover much of the medical expenses. However, accessing these healthcare services will depend on your circumstances, stay permit, and course.

For example, if you are an EAA or EU student staying in the Member State for study purposes, then you need to get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It will help you get access to state-provided medical services during your stay in those countries. Students from the UK can even get a GHIC card. However, the EHIC will not replace the travel insurance and will not give any coverage to private healthcare or return flights to the home country.

In case you are a non-EU or EEA student, getting travel health insurance is good enough. Suppose you already have insurance in your home country. In that case, you need to check with their insurance provider whether they give services or if the policy will cover your medical expenses in your destination country. If the health insurance is not recognized in your European country, you need to take another National Health Insurance in your chosen destination.

Purchase national health insurance if you plan to enroll for a long-term residence permit or get employed in the country afterward. Campus medical treatment is also available for international students, which gives them the opportunity to get treatment from local general practitioners and specialists. However, contact your host university and its officials to know more about such medical services.

The emergency number here is 112, which is helpful for calling the Member State in the Europe Union when you are in distress. For police, fire, or ambulance services, one can dial 112 free of charge. Also, getting your Covid 19 vaccination before you start staying on campus is important. You need to be very clear about your current health condition and get any certification if required.

7. Academic Support and Resources

Studying in any European country will be an exciting, fulfilling, and a wholesome experience for any student. However, initially, the entire process might seem slightly daunting and, in a few cases, overwhelming. That is the reason international students require as much support services as possible from the university as well as from their counselors to get settled into this new place and adapt to the cultural and other changes simultaneously.

Most European universities have well-developed support systems for their international students. These are designed to make the entire study abroad experience for international students as enjoyable as possible, right from the application process to the graduation ceremony. In some cases, they also help you with internship programs, which can help you secure your dream job in no time.

  • Pre-arrival support

As the name suggests, pre-arrival support is specifically designed for international students. The top universities in Europe always have a guide or a welcome tutorial designed explicitly for other international students, which can be available online or by mail to help them get valuable information about starting their journey abroad.

Such a guide is also helpful in preparing students for their life at universities and setting realistic expectations about their future. This welcome guide might cover topics like medical insurance, accommodation options, tuition fee structure, payments, budgeting, visa requirements, part-time work opportunities, and key advice on what to bring to the university during their travel.

It will share detailed information about the university, the faculty members, how things work, their online resources, administrative departments, and even the campus facilities, which might not be very easily accessible to the student. Also, it can help the students to file their visa applications on time without any hindrance. In case of any questions or concerns, the student can always reach out to their point of contact at any time to avoid any unnecessary hassles.

  • Orientation Programs

The orientation programs are always available to help international students settle in their new places without confusion. It helps them to find like-minded people around while offering information and practical support to encourage the students to each other. It helps grow bonds with peers, which might turn into meaningful friendships that one can treasure forever.

For example, the famous Warwick's internal program lasts for around four days, and it helps the students get access to the right clubs and activities, get used to the UK learning and teaching system, and much more. Technically these programs include being picked up from the airport campus to the local area for social events, introductory lectures, talks, activities, etc. Another example is King’s College London which offers a series of practical workshops to help students deal with culture shock, differences in languages and lifestyle here, along with other social norm adjustments.

Apart from these, there are programs available for international students to provide them with constant support during their course and stay in these universities. The specific members of the staff are available via phone or email to direct or assist the students in case of any need. Sometimes, a unique concept is also taken into account, like a "host family" program to help these international students feel secure and at home, even if they are in a new place. Along with these, several mentorship programs are available to get introduced to the different ways of learning, faculty members, and more that can pave the path to a brighter future.

8. Socializing and Networking

Now that you already have a decent idea about pursuing your higher studies in the top universities of any European country, it is time to shift the focus on your personal life slightly. This entire journey will be all about your learnings, growth, failures, and achievements.

So, growing a healthy circle of friends and acquaintances will be necessary for every international student. Being away from your home, you will often feel lost and homesick. That is why going out and creating meaningful and rewarding relationships with positive people is essential.

Apart from this, one also needs to grow their business or corporate network if one wants to grab that dream role in the top brand globally. Start mingling with your peers, faculty members, and even the seniors for guidance and get a clear overview of the opportunities beyond your university boundaries. Let’s look at the quick tips shared by many international students on how to build a social network in Europe:

  • Embrace the Differences, Show Interest

There will be a lot of differences between your socio-economic standards and cultures. You can definitely utilize these differences to learn about their cultures, preferences, likes, and dislikes and thereby get an entry into their lives. To be friends with the people here, you need to be well aware of them and share a few common interests while learning more each day.

  • Maybe, Join a Club?

Love to party or engage in adventures? Do you love to be part of activities and sports? If so, why not join the clubs in your university? That is the best option to get introduced to the students on campus while getting involved with the local groups easily. Based on your skills and preferences, you might find similar people around you who can be your lifelong friends!

  • Be Spontaneous, Not Desperate

You need to make an effort if you want to grow your social network here. Go out with your friends and try initiating a conversation about their food choices, hobbies, or even their career aspirations. Let them feel comfortable when you are around, and help them to identify your initiatives. Maximize all the opportunities by enrolling in different activities and outgoing events, but do not show desperation.

Apart from these, accept changes. There is a high chance that you will go through many first times in this journey. Starting from climatic conditions to language and food, everything might seem challenging when you are away from your country.

But identify what interests you and make initiatives to get included in similar tasks or opportunities that can help you to establish meaningful relationships with your peers and seniors. Remember, healthy professional relationships can always help you get ahead with beneficial suggestions and even job references.


Studying at any top European university will be a life-changing experience for you. Right from choosing the best school to accommodation and internship program, you will be dealing with a lot of opportunities and changes, which can be intimidating and overwhelming at the same time. The entire process, from college applications to visas, can differ for various European countries.

But ultimately, you will get through this entire process and start your journey of achieving a rewarding career with this decision. So, take baby steps today, shortlist the right European university, know about the courses and funding options available for international students, and get ready for this once-in-a-lifetime experience! Good luck!